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Idyll Hounds Brewing Company
What started as a dream for chefs Frasier Hansen and Shawn Sherman came to life in South Walton in 2013. South Walton’s second craft brewery, Idyll Hounds Brewing Company, opened its doors in Santa Rosa Beach and began successfully producing the company’s first two beers: Man o’ Wheat, an unfiltered pale wheat ale, and Divide & Conch’r, a double IPA with notes of grapefruit, pine and passion fruit. As the names might suggest, inspiration behind the beers comes from the white sand beaches, forever blue skies, and Warm Gulf coast waters, playing up the stunning South Walton backdrop, of which the brewery calls home.In it for the craft, Hansen and Sherman care about the history and tradition of brewing, and have been fine-tuning their skills to create the perfect craft beer. The brewers place a special focus on both eco- and beach-friendly products, using 100 percent recyclable materials to can their beer.
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